sidenote: dan is home in 11 sleeps! i am so excited i can hardly stand it.
Dear Mom
I am doing good! So much to say but I have very little time.
I appreciated hearing about the temple dedication. I am looking forward to attending the temple soon. Very neat you were all able to go inside the temple for it, including shane.
We almost had our bikes stolen, it's a funny story that I will tell you when I get home!
We had two baptisms this week. Jess Abraham was baptized and also Elder Katas 8 year old sister Emmeline. I want to show you all the pictures when I get home.
I'm excited for you to make me dinner that evening. I would like mashed potatoes and gravy. Anything will be better than what I have been making. I can't wait.
I am going to Romanum for my last pday and that will be the last time I email you!! The next time we communicate it will be face to face! I am looking forward to seeing you.
I am going to give most of my stuff to members before I leave. Is that Ok with you?
I gotta go, love you, see you
Elder Kearl