"And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the Son of God, that ye must build your foundation; that when the devil shall send forth his mighty winds, yea, his shafts in the whirlwind, yea, when all his hail and his mighty storm shall beat upon you, it shall have no power over you to drag you down to the gulf of misery and endless wo, because of the rock upon which ye are built, which is a sure foundation, a foundation whereon if men build they cannot fall." -Helaman 5:12

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas in Saipan

Rannineem Mom!

Ifa Usom!(Hows it going?)
I am doing just fine.  This seems so wierd since I just talked to you yesterday!  We were very busy yesterday with Dinner appointments and a baptism that it is not even funny!  I am so sad this is the last week before transfers.

Thanks for all the packages you and grandma sent me and also for the letters people sent me they were really nice!  

I am sorry I don't write more but we only have 30 minutes of emailing each week and in the time I have to read all my emails and write you and the mission president!  I am sending some pictures.  

I know that the church is true and that Joseph Smith is a prophet of God and that the Book of Mormon is true!  

Upwap Chufengen(see ya)

Ua Tong En (I Love Ya) 

Love Elder Kearl

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Best Christmas present of all

It was a very different Christmas in the Kearl home this year with Dan's absence and the passing of my mom.  We went to Laura's house on Christmas Eve and she had invited the missionaries serving in Airdrie over.  We met an elder who was in the MTC at the same time as Dan.  He mentioned that he met an elder from Calgary who was going to Guam.  I showed him a picture of Dan and his face lit up when he said 'that's the guy'.  What a small world.  Little did Dan know that this Elder from St. George would be spending Christmas with his family in Calgary.  When I asked Dan about him, he remembered this guy too.
The biggest highlight this christmas was being able to phone Dan in Saipan.  We tried calling him on Christmas Eve (Christmas Day for him) with the phone number he gave us and received a message saying we had reached the sister missionaries.  We were dying thinking he had gave us the wrong number.  I told Scott and Emily to keep trying to call and hopefully they would at least have Dan's number.  After about an hour we got through and were overjoyed to hear his voice.  He could only talk for a minute because he was just leaving to go to a baptism.  We called the next day and were able to all talk to him for one hour.  Dan was very careful to monitor the time to make sure he didn't go over the allotted time.  I can understand now why missionaries are only allowed to call home twice a year.  I think he was feeling a little homesick after and it made me miss him more too.
Before hand I made a list of questions to ask him so I wouldn't forget anything.  While we were talking he was out on his balcony and was counting how many lizards crossed his feet.  He said his apartment was very small, just a little bigger than his walk in closet back home (an exaggeration, but it made the point).  He said the people there would die if they saw how big our house was in Calgary; many people there don't even have bathrooms in their home.  He loves island life and is used to the heat and humidity.  We all laughed when he told us that he drove a brand new Toyota Tacoma, just like his dad.
He told me how important the members were in missionary work and was getting after me for not referring more people to our missionaries serving in the Tuscany Ward.  He shared it was interesting to see all the work that is involved when a new stake is created.  They were calling a high council and high priests to serve.
It was so, so, so good to hear his voice and feel the enthusiasm he has for the gospel and for missionary work.  I could tell that in a very short period of time he had matured a lot and was humbled by the experiences he has had.  He expressed an enormous amount of appreciation for the blessings he has received in his life.  I love my boy!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

update from saipan

Ranineem Mom

How are you?  I never saw Elder Perry when he was in Saipan.   He just came to see some sights,  he didn't visit the members, no one really knew when he was coming!  

I don't know how long I will be here on Saipan,  I might go to Chuuk or something to learn Chuukese better or they might send some missionaires from there.  I have 3 meal appointments for Christmas Day.  President gave exceptions to the new rule of not going outside of area to eat for christmas day.  I ate so much at the christmas Party.   

Thanks for the Drivers Liscence you sent me, and by the way still have not gotten Christmas Package!  So glad to hear that  some of my friends are going on missions, I  hope all of them can go!!  I am sending some pictures right now.   No baptism on Christmas,  we have more to teach our investigators!  So excited though! 

I know Joseph Smith is a Prophet of God and that Jesus Christ loves us and He paid for my sins and I can return to live with Him again.

I gotta go c ya

Love Elder Kearl

P.S mail is very slow here  

Sunday, December 12, 2010

from, first stake in guam

On 10 December, Elder L. Tom Perry of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles created the Barrigada Guam Stake, the first stake for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the Territory of Guam.
stake is an administrative unit composed of numerous congregations (called wards and branches) within a geographic area (similar to what other faiths might call a diocese). The Church operates thousands of stakes worldwide.
Guam News Watch and Kuam News covered the apostle’s visit, including a stop by the former World War II veteran to the Pacific War Museum.
There are 1,971 members of the Church living in Guam.

new stake in Guam

Hey Mom

Ranineem!! SO this week was awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!  President had told us a few weeks before that when ever a a new stake of zion comes to an area the Lord always prepares more people to accept the Gospel.  In the Marshall Islands baptisms tripled I REALLY DIDN'T THINK IT WOULD HAPPEN THIS SOON BUT it did and I think the work may start to go faster too!  We already have seven investigators and two investigators with Baptismal Dates!!   
Its awesome that the Guam District turned into the Barrigada Guam Stake,  It means that more people will be prepared to recieve the Gospel and President Dowdle has more time for Missionary Stuff.  Because before all the Districts in the Mission were lead by him too!!   
I am so glad to be here. I love Saipan!!! President had made a rule that we couldn't eat with members outside our area  and alot of people here like to feed all of the missionarys and so when we apologized they just said they feel sorry for us because we are so skinny!!  I am sending some pics.

Love ya c ya

Love Elder Kearl
Hey Emily

Ranineem!!!  Things here are good.  Alot of people have fake, cheap christmas trees up here!  Me and Elder Deocampo are doing fine.  I don't mind living on my own but now I really want to get married after Mish!!  

So good Tanner put his papers in.  Have any of my other friends got there mission calls? please let me know!  now I can't email anyone outside my immediate family but I can send letters.  If you could give me there addresses that would be good.

Mail does take along time from Canada though so we all have to be patient!  Alot of people do have moustaches, its so funny how unsubconcious everyone is, like when you go around and teach you see stuff and your like "why do they do that?" and then you think "because they can"  and when you live here for a couple weeks then it all makes sense.  The jungle is pretty good, not alot of animals like your thinking its just one island city here with only dogs and cats that people here call Boonie Dogs most our strays so you don't pet them either!! Oh and I can almost pray and I can bear my Testimoney in Chuukese!!

I gotta go c ya

Ua Tong En (I love u)

Love Elder Kearl

Sunday, December 5, 2010

loving Saipan!

Hello Mom

I loved the package and everything in it.  Thank you so much,  the christmas advent calenders were funny,  my comp likes them!  Did u get any of my letters I sent form the MTC?  Did u get those pictures I sent in the mail? How is Canada? 

I am doing good, its alot of tough work reopening an area and we did better this week so I know that we can do this!  This week was a really hard week but it was also so rewarding!  So to describe Saipan in such short amount of time:  Imagine a poor Island City with 15,000 people, alot of them are filipinos.  We have a jungle where alot people live.  We have really started to focus on the members and they are beginning to trust us and so they are going to start help us find people to teach!  

I was in an interview with President Dowdle (hes about as short as me but solid and he has a big voice and he really cares about the missionaries and the work). He told me that if I keep working through the members and having faith that our area will have more baptisms, the Lord will prepare more people as the new stake is created in Guam.  Saipan is part of the Guam District and when the stake comes Saipan we will be part of the Guam Stake)  He said that when a stake was created in the Marshall Islands, Baptisms tripled so I am really excited for whats gonna happen here because the work is very slow in Saipan. 
My companion  is 105 pounds and is from the Phillipines.  He's a little strange but he is a really good missionary.  His mission call said he was supposed to preach the Gospel in Tagolag here so we go through a lot of lessons and conversations where he is just speaking Tagolag and he says an english word and I have to catch on from there!  There are alot of Phillipinos here and they are so good!! They really emphasize family and they are good kind hearted people.  Most of My "mothers" here are Phillipino!  

The Mission President gave us a new rule that is really strict but I know it will bless us.  We can't eat outside of our area and we have the fewest members in our area.  Before people would invite all the missionaries over (all six of us, four elders and two sisters) and they get pretty offended when we don't come.   But miraculously when we had to tell people they weren't offended they just told us that they felt sorry for us now because we are so skinny! 
We have a very international zone, each missionary is from a different country.  I'm Canadian, my comp is filipino, the elders are american and marshallese and the sisters are australian and Pohniphein).  Its so wierd but so good, we are the closest zone in the mission!!  

Did u send my drivers liscence yet? I really need it in three weeks because here in Saipan you have a month where you don't need you licence and then you show them it and you get a saipan licence and my Comp doesn't Drive!! 

So I gotta go

C YA  
Love ya
Love Elder Kearl